\(\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin}\) \(\newcommand{\var}{\mathrm{Var}}\) \(\newcommand{\epsi}{\varepsilon}\) \(\newcommand{\phii}{\varphi}\) \(\newcommand{\tra}{^{\top}}\) \(\newcommand{\sumin}{\sum_{i=1}^n}\) \(\newcommand{\sumiN}{\sum_{i=1}^n}\) \(\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\Vert{#1} \right\Vert}\) \(\newcommand\Bigpar[1]{\left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Bigbr[1]{\left[ #1 \right ]}\) \(\newcommand\Bigcr[1]{\left\{ #1 \right \}}\) \(\newcommand\SetB[1]{\left\{ #1 \right\}}\) \(\newcommand\Sett[1]{\mathcal{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Data}{\mathcal{D}}\) \(\newcommand{\Ubr}[2]{\underbrace{#1}_{\text{#2}}}\) \(\newcommand{\Obr}[2]{ \overbrace{#1}^{\text{#2}}}\) \(\newcommand{\sumiN}{\sum_{i=1}^N}\) \(\newcommand{\dydx}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}\) \(\newcommand\Indic[1]{\mathds{1}_{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Realm}[1]{\mathbb{R}^{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Exp}[1]{\mathbb{E}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Expt}[2]{\mathbb{E}_{#1}\left[#2\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Var}[1]{\mathbb{V}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Covar}[1]{\text{Cov}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Prob}[1]{\mathbf{Pr}\left(#1\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Supp}[1]{\text{Supp}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\doyx}{\Prob{Y \, |\,\mathsf{do} (X = x)}}\) \(\newcommand{\doo}[1]{\Prob{Y |\,\mathsf{do} (#1) }}\) \(\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}\) \(\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}\) \(\newcommand{\wh}[1]{\widehat{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\wt}[1]{\widetilde{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\wb}[1]{\overline{#1}}\) \(\newcommand\Ol[1]{\overline{#1}}\) \(\newcommand\Ul[1]{\underline{#1}}\) \(\newcommand\Str[1]{#1^{*}}\) \(\newcommand{\F}{\mathsf{F}}\) \(\newcommand{\ff}{\mathsf{f}}\) \(\newcommand{\Cdf}[1]{\mathbb{F}\left(#1\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Cdff}[2]{\mathbb{F}_{#1}\left(#2\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Pdf}[1]{\mathsf{f}\left(#1\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Pdff}[2]{\mathsf{f}_{#1}\left(#2\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\dd}{\mathsf{d}}\) \(\newcommand\Normal[1]{\mathcal{N} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Unif[1]{\mathsf{U} \left[ #1 \right ]}\) \(\newcommand\Bern[1]{\mathsf{Bernoulli} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Binom[1]{\mathsf{Bin} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Pois[1]{\mathsf{Poi} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\BetaD[1]{\mathsf{Beta} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Diri[1]{\mathsf{Dir} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Gdist[1]{\mathsf{Gamma} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\def\mbf#1{\mathbf{#1}}\) \(\def\mrm#1{\mathrm{#1}}\) \(\def\mbi#1{\boldsymbol{#1}}\) \(\def\ve#1{\mbi{#1}}\) \(\def\vee#1{\mathbf{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Mat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\eucN}[1]{\norm{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\lzero}[1]{\norm{#1}_0}\) \(\newcommand{\lone}[1]{\norm{#1}_1}\) \(\newcommand{\ltwo}[1]{\norm{#1}_2}\) \(\newcommand{\pnorm}[1]{\norm{#1}_p}\)

#' weighted OLS (can handle negative weights)
OLSw = \(y, X, w) {
    XtWX = car::wcrossprod(X, w = w)
    XtWy = car::wcrossprod(X, y, w = w)
    solve(XtWX) %*% XtWy

#' IPW and AIPW
#' @param y outcome vector
#' @param w treatment dummy
#' @param X1 matrix of covariates for propensity score
#' @param X2 matrix of covariates in outcome model
#' @param f family for propensity score

drHT = \(y, w, X1, X2 = cbind(1, X1), f = binomial(), estimand = "ATE"){
    # solve for pscore weights
    pihat = glm.fit(X1, w, family = f)$fitted.values
    if(estimand == "ATE"){
        wt = sqrt(w/pihat + (1-w)/(1-pihat))
    } else if(estimand == "ATT"){
        rho = mean(w)
        wt = sqrt(
            w +                                       # all treat obs weighted as 1
            ((1-w) * pihat) / (rho * (1-pihat) )      # control obs weights
    if(is.null(X2)) X2 = matrix(rep(1, nrow(X1)))
    # run weighted regression
    OLSw(y, as.matrix(cbind(w, X2)), wt)[1,1]

Average Treatment Effect (ATE)

To implement AIPW as a weighted regression, we fit

\[ Y_i = \alpha + \tau W_i + X_i ' \beta + \epsilon_i \]

with weights

\[ \lambda_i = \sqrt{ \frac{W_i}{\pi(X_i)} + \frac{1-W_i}{1- \pi(X_i)} } \]

data(lalonde.exp); data = setDT(lalonde.exp)
yn = 're78'; wn = 'treat'; xn = setdiff(colnames(data), c(yn, wn))
y = data[[yn]]; w = data[[wn]]; X = data[, ..xn]

drHT(y, w, X, X2 = NULL)
##    w 
## 1674
drHT(y, w, X)
##    w 
## 1642

inference using bootstrap

bootf = \(d, i, yn, wn, xn){
    y = d[[yn]][i]; w = d[[wn]][i]; X = as.matrix(d[i, ..xn])
    c(  # naive
        mean(y[w==1]) - mean(y[w==0]),
        # ipw
        drHT(y, w, X, X2 = NULL),
        # aipw
        drHT(y, w, X)

    yn = 're78', wn = 'treat', xn = setdiff(colnames(data), c(yn, wn)),
    R = 1000,
    parallel = "multicore", ncpus = 6
## Call:
## boot(data = lalonde.exp, statistic = bootf, R = 1000, yn = "re78", 
##     wn = "treat", xn = setdiff(colnames(data), c(yn, wn)), parallel = "multicore", 
##     ncpus = 6)
## Bootstrap Statistics :
##     original  bias    std. error
## t1*     1794  -6.055       673.4
## t2*     1674  -5.217       659.9
## t3*     1642  -3.170       688.1

Average Treatment effect on the Treated (ATT )

Next, we give all treatment units weights of 1 and control units receive weights

\[ \lambda_i = \sqrt{ \frac{\pi(\vee{X}_i)}{\rho} \frac{1 - W_i}{1 - \pi(\vee{X}_i)} } \]

where \(\rho = \Prob{W_i = 1}\).

data(lalonde.psid); data = setDT(lalonde.psid)
yn = 're78'; wn = 'treat'; xn = setdiff(colnames(data), c(yn, wn))
y = data[[yn]]; w = data[[wn]]; X = data[, ..xn]

drHT(y, w, X, estimand = "ATT")
##    w 
## 1958