Omnibus Tests for Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
Apoorva Lal
We simulate some experimental data with effect heterogeneity, and use the testing approach in Ding, Feller, and Miratrix (2018) to test for systematic heterogeneity.
# simulate RCT
treatprob <- 0.5
# workhorse
dgp <- function(n = 10000, p = 10, treat.prob = treatprob,
# bounds of X
Xbounds = c(-1, 1),
# nonlinear heterogeneity
tauF = function(x) 1 / exp(-x[3]),
# nonlinear y0
y0F = function(x) pmax(x[1] + x[2], 0) + sin(x[5]) * pmax(x[7], 0.5)) {
X <- matrix(runif(n * p, Xbounds[1], Xbounds[2]), n, p)
a <- rbinom(n, 1, treat.prob)
# generate outcomes using supplied functions
TAU <- apply(X, 1, tauF)
Y0 <- apply(X, 1, y0F)
# outcome
y <- (a * TAU + Y0 + rnorm(n))
list(y = y, a = a, X = X)
simulation with heterogeneity
## [1] 8.543073e+02 4.322510e-177
p-value \(\approx 0\) - conclude that there is systematic heterogeneity.