\(\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin}\) \(\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\Vert{#1} \right\Vert}\) \(\newcommand{\var}{\mathrm{Var}}\) \(\newcommand{\tra}{^{\top}}\) \(\newcommand{\sumin}{\sum_{i=1}^n}\) \(\newcommand{\sumiN}{\sum_{i=1}^n}\) \(\newcommand{\epsi}{\varepsilon}\) \(\newcommand{\phii}{\varphi}\) \(\newcommand\Bigpar[1]{\left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Bigbr[1]{\left[ #1 \right ]}\) \(\newcommand\Bigcr[1]{\left\{ #1 \right \}}\) \(\newcommand\SetB[1]{\left\{ #1 \right\}}\) \(\newcommand\Sett[1]{\mathcal{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Data}{\mathcal{D}}\) \(\newcommand{\Ubr}[2]{\underbrace{#1}_{\text{#2}}}\) \(\newcommand{\Obr}[2]{ \overbrace{#1}^{\text{#2}}}\) \(\newcommand{\sumiN}{\sum_{i=1}^N}\) \(\newcommand{\dydx}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}\) \(\newcommand\Indic[1]{\mathbb{1}_{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Realm}[1]{\mathbb{R}^{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Exp}[1]{\mathbb{E}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Expt}[2]{\mathbb{E}_{#1}\left[#2\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Var}[1]{\mathbb{V}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Covar}[1]{\text{Cov}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\Prob}[1]{\mathbf{Pr}\left(#1\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Supp}[1]{\text{Supp}\left[#1\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\doyx}{\Prob{Y \, |\,\mathsf{do} (X = x)}}\) \(\newcommand{\doo}[1]{\Prob{Y |\,\mathsf{do} (#1) }}\) \(\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}\) \(\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}\) \(\newcommand{\wh}[1]{\widehat{#1}} % Wide hat\) \(\newcommand{\wt}[1]{\widetilde{#1}} % Wide tilde\) \(\newcommand{\wb}[1]{\overline{#1}} % Wide bar\) \(\newcommand\Ol[1]{\overline{#1}}\) \(\newcommand\Ul[1]{\underline{#1}}\) \(\newcommand\Str[1]{#1^{*}}\) \(\newcommand{\F}{\mathsf{F}}\) \(\newcommand{\ff}{\mathsf{f}}\) \(\newcommand{\Cdf}[1]{\mathbb{F}\left(#1\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Cdff}[2]{\mathbb{F}_{#1}\left(#2\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Pdf}[1]{\mathsf{f}\left(#1\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\Pdff}[2]{\mathsf{f}_{#1}\left(#2\right)}\) \(\newcommand{\dd}{\mathsf{d}}\) \(\newcommand\Normal[1]{\mathcal{N} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Unif[1]{\mathsf{U} \left[ #1 \right ]}\) \(\newcommand\Bern[1]{\mathsf{Bernoulli} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Binom[1]{\mathsf{Bin} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Pois[1]{\mathsf{Poi} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\BetaD[1]{\mathsf{Beta} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Diri[1]{\mathsf{Dir} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\newcommand\Gdist[1]{\mathsf{Gamma} \left( #1 \right )}\) \(\def\mbf#1{\mathbf{#1}}\) \(\def\mrm#1{\mathrm{#1}}\) \(\def\mbi#1{\boldsymbol{#1}}\) \(\def\ve#1{\mbi{#1}} % Vector notation\) \(\def\vee#1{\mathbf{#1}} % Vector notation\) \(\newcommand{\Mat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\eucN}[1]{\norm{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\lzero}[1]{\norm{#1}_0}\) \(\newcommand{\lone}[1]{\norm{#1}_1}\) \(\newcommand{\ltwo}[1]{\norm{#1}_2}\) \(\newcommand{\pnorm}[1]{\norm{#1}_p}\)

Data prep - Abadie et al (2015) German Reunification example

# %% data prep
x$country = factor(x$country)
pan = data.table(x)
pan[, treat := ifelse(country == "West Germany" & year >= 1990, 1, 0)]
treat_name = 'West Germany'
T0 = pan[country == "West Germany" & treat != 1, nunique(year)]
T1 = pan[country == "West Germany" & treat == 1, nunique(year)]
# number of post-treatment periods
# reshape to wide
wide = pan[, .(country, year, gdp)] |> dcast(year ~ country, value.var = 'gdp')
setcolorder(wide, c('year', treat_name))
y_treat_pre = wide[1:T0, 2] |> as.matrix()
y_ctrl_pre  = wide[1:T0, -(1:2)] |> as.matrix()

Conceptual Setup from Doudchenko and Imbens (2016)


  • \(N+1\) units observed for \(T\) periods, with a subset of treated units (for simplicity - unit \(0\)) treated from \(T_0\) onwards
  • Treatment : \(W_{i, t} = \Indic{i = 0 \; \land \; t \in {T_0 +1, \dots, T}}\)
  • Potential outcomes for unit \(0\) define the treatment effect: \(\tau_{0,t} := Y_{0,t}(1) - Y_{0,t}(0)\) for \(t = T_0 + 1 , \dots, T\)
  • Observed outcome: \(Y_{i,t}^{obs} = Y_{i,t}(W_{i,t})\)

Estimand and assumptions

  • Focus on last period for now: \(\tau_{0, T} = Y_{0, T} (1) - Y_{0, T}(0) = Y_{0, T}^{\text{obs}} - Y_{0, T}(0)\)
  • Many estimators impute \(Y_{0, T}(0)\) with the linear structure \(\wh{Y}_{0, T} (0) = \mu + \sumin \omega_i \cdot Y_{i, T}^{\text{obs}}\)
    • Methods differ in how \(\mu\) and \(\omega\) are chosen as a function of \(\Mat{Y}_{\text{c, post}}^{\text{obs}} , \Mat{Y}_{\text{t, pre}}^{\text{obs}} , \Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}}^{\text{obs}}\)
  • Impose four constraints
    • : \(\mu = 0\). Stronger than Parallel trends in DiD.

    • : \(\sumin \omega_i = 1\). Common to DiD, SC.

    • : \(\omega_i \geq 0 \; \forall \; i\). Ensures uniqueness via `coarse’ regularisation + precision control. Negative weights may improve out-of-sample prediction.

    • : \(\omega_i = \Ol{\omega} \; \forall \; i\)

  • DiD imposes 2-4.
  • Synthetic Control: ADH(2010, 2014) impose 1-3
    • 1 + 2 imply `No Extrapolation’.

ADH(2010) Synthetic Control

Assumes A(1-3) - implemented straightforwardly in the program below.

#' Solve for synthetic control weights in CVXR
#' @param y_t t_0 X 1   matrix of pre-treatment outcomes for treatment units
#' @param y_c t_0 X n_0 matrix of pre-treatment outcomes for donor units
#' @return vector of weights
#' @import CVXR
#' @export
sc_solve = function(y_t, y_c){
  ω = Variable(ncol(y_c))
  objective = Minimize(sum_squares(y_t - y_c %*% ω))
  constraints = list( # no intercept
    ω >= 0,            # positive weights
    sum(ω) == 1        # weights sum to 1
  problem = Problem(objective, constraints)
  result = solve(problem, solver = 'MOSEK')
  ω_hat = result$getValue(ω)
# %%
ω_sc = sc_solve(y_treat_pre, y_ctrl_pre)
wt_table = data.frame(donor = colnames(y_ctrl_pre), wt = ω_sc)
# %% compute and plot
wide2 = copy(wide)
# impute Y(0) post for treated unit using weights
wide2$y0_sc = as.matrix(wide2[, -(1:2)]) %*% ω_sc
wide2$treat_effect = wide2[[treat_name]] - wide2$y0_sc
# %%
sc_fit = ggplot(wide2, aes(year)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = `West Germany`), size = 2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = y0_sc), size = 2, alpha = 0.7, color = 'cornflowerblue') +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1990, linetype = "dashed", color = 'red') +
  labs(title = "Outcome SC Series", y = "")

# %%
sc_est = ggplot(wide2, aes(year, treat_effect)) + geom_line() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1990, linetype = "dashed", color = 'red') +
  ylim(c(-9000, 6000)) +
  labs(title = "SC Estimates", y = "")

(sc_fit | sc_est)

DI(2016) estimator

Relaxes all 4 assumptions. Use elastic-net to pick out small and sparse weights.

Desiderata: + Balance: difference between pre-treatment outcomes for treated and linear-combination of pre-treatment outcomes for control

\(\ltwo{\Mat{Y}_{\text{t, pre}} - \mu - \omega \tra \Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}} }^2 = (\Mat{Y}_{\text{t, pre}} - \mu - \omega \tra \Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}}) \tra (\Mat{Y}_{\text{t, pre}} - \mu - \omega \tra \Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}})\)

\[\begin{align*} (\wh{\mu}^{en} (\lambda, \alpha) , \wh{\omega}^{en}(\lambda, \alpha) ) & = \argmin_{\mu, \omega} \; Q(\mu, \omega | \Mat{Y}_{\text{t, pre}}, \Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}}; \lambda, \alpha) \\ \text{where }\; \; Q(\mu, \omega | \Mat{Y}_{\text{t, pre}}, \Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}}; \lambda, \alpha) & = \ltwo{ \Mat{Y}_{\text{t, pre}} - \mu - \omega \tra \Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}} }^2 \\ + & \; \; \lambda \Bigpar{\frac{1-\alpha}{2} \ltwo{\omega}^2 + \alpha \lone{\omega} } \end{align*}\]

Elastic-Net Synthetic Control

#' Solve for Imbens-Doudchenko elastic net synthetic control weights in CVXR
#' @param y_t t_0 X 1   matrix of pre-treatment outcomes for treatment units
#' @param y_c t_0 X n_0 matrix of pre-treatment outcomes for donor units
#' @param y_c t_0 X n_0 matrix of pre-treatment outcomes for donor units
#' @param lambdas       vector of penalty values
#' @param alpha         scalar mixing value between L1 and L2 regularisation
#' @param t             number of lambdas to try (when range not manually specified)
#' @return vector of weights
#' @import CVXR
#' @export
en_sc_solve = function(y_t, y_c, lambdas = NULL, alpha = 0.5, t = 10){
  # sequence of lambdas
  if (is.null(lambdas)) lambdas = 10^seq(-2, log10(max(y_t)), length.out = t)
  # penalty term
  elastic_penalty = function(ω, λ = 0, α = 0) {
      lasso =  cvxr_norm(ω, 1) * α
      ridge =  cvxr_norm(ω, 2) * (1 - α) / 2
      λ * (lasso + ridge)
  # targets : intercept and weights
  μ = Variable(1) ; ω = Variable(ncol(y_c))
  en_solve = function(l) {
    obj = (sum_squares(y_t - μ - y_c %*% ω)/(2 * nrow(y_c)) +
            elastic_penalty(ω, l, alpha) )
    # unconstrained problem, just apply L1 and L2 regularisation to weights
    prob = Problem(Minimize(obj))
    sol = solve(prob, solver = 'MOSEK')
    sols = c(sol$getValue(μ), sol$getValue(ω))
  # solve for each value of lambda
  solution_mat = lapply(lambdas, en_solve)
  # convert to (n_0 + 1) × |lambdas| matrix
  solution_mat = do.call(cbind, solution_mat)

Since we don’t have the coarse-regularisation induced by A2 + A3 any more, we need regularisation.


  • don’t want to scale covariates \(\Mat{Y}_{\text{c, pre}}\) to preserve interpretability of weights
  • Instead, treat each control unit as a `pseudo-treated’ unit and compute \(\wh{Y}_{j, T}(0) = \wh{\mu}^{\text{en}}(j; \alpha, \lambda) + \sum_{i \neq j} \wh{\omega}_i (j; \alpha, \lambda) \cdot Y_{i,T}^{\text{obs}}\) where

\[\begin{align*} (\wh{\mu}^{en} (j; \lambda, \alpha) , \wh{\omega}^{en}(j; \lambda, \alpha) ) & = \argmin_{\mu, \omega} \; \sum_{t=1}^{T_0} \Bigpar{Y_{j,t} - \mu - \sum_{i \neq 0, j} \omega_i Y_{i,t} }^2 + \\ & \lambda \Bigpar{\frac{1-\alpha}{2} \ltwo{\omega}^2 + \alpha \lone{\omega} } \end{align*}\]

pick the value of the tuning parameters \((\alpha_{opt}^{en}, \lambda_{opt}^{en})\) that minimises

\[ CV^{en}(\alpha, \lambda) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N ( Y_{j, T} - \overbrace{ \wh{\mu}^{en}(j; \alpha, \lambda) - \sum_{i \neq 0, j} \wh{\omega}_i^{en} (j; \alpha, \lambda) \cdot Y_{i, T}}^{\wh{Y}_{j,T}(0)} ) \]

Currently sets \(\alpha=0.5\) instead of tuning it. Can be relaxed readily, but doesn’t make much difference in this example.

# %% pseudo-treatment prediction to pick λ
y_ctrl = wide[, -(1:2)] |> as.matrix() # all control units in matrix
lambdas = 10^seq(-1, log10(max(y_ctrl)), length.out = 20)
# %%
pick_lambda = function(j, Y, lambdas){
  # pre period data
  ypre = head(Y, T0)
  y_j  = ypre[, j]; y_nj = ypre[, -j]
  # fit μ, ω for pseudo-treatment unit
  ω_tilde = en_sc_solve(y_j, y_nj, lambdas)
  # compute prediction error on post-period
  ypost = tail(Y, T1)
  mse_j = function(w) mean(ypost[, j] - cbind(1, ypost[, -j])  %*% w)
  # each column in ω_tilde is a set of weights and intercepts for a given λ, so
  # summarise across columns
  mses = apply(ω_tilde, 2, mse_j)
  # lambda that minimises error
  lambdas[which(mses == min(mses))]

# %% # for small number of donors, can compute for all ; in other cases, pick randomly?
  lam_choices <- mclapply(1:ncol(y_ctrl),
                        pick_lambda, y_ctrl,
                        10^seq(-1, log10(max(y_ctrl)), length.out = 20),
  mc.cores = 6
# tabulate best lambda and pick the mode
lam_choices |> as.numeric() |> table()  |> sort() |> tail(1) |> names() |>
  as.numeric() |> round(2)
# %%

Use the above \(\lambda\) to fit Elastic-net synthetic control

en_ω = en_sc_solve(y_treat_pre, y_ctrl_pre, 2517.62)
## 0.489 sec elapsed
# %% compute and plot
wide3 = copy(wide)
# impute Y(0) post for treated unit using weights
wide3$y0_hat_en = as.matrix(cbind(1, wide3[, -(1:2)])) %*% en_ω
wide3$treat_effect = wide3[[treat_name]] - wide3$y0_hat_en

# %%
ensc_fit = ggplot(wide3, aes(year)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = `West Germany`), size = 2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = y0_hat_en), size = 2, alpha = 0.7, color = 'cornflowerblue') +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1990, linetype = "dashed", color = 'red') +
  labs(title = "Outcome ENSC Series", y = "")

# %%
ensc_est = ggplot(wide3, aes(year, treat_effect)) + geom_line() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1990, linetype = "dashed", color = 'red') +
  ylim(c(-9000, 6000)) +
  labs(title = "ENSC Estimates", y = "")

Comparing Results


Results look very similar.

(sc_fit | sc_est) / (ensc_fit | ensc_est)


Elastic net weights are more dispersed and aren’t constrained to be positive. This appears not to matter in this example, but may help in others.

wt_table2 = data.frame(
  donor = c('intercept', colnames(y_ctrl_pre)),
  wt_sc = c(0, round(ω_sc, 2)) ,
  wt_en =      round(en_ω, 2))
wt_table2 |> kable()
donor wt_sc wt_en
intercept 0.00 296.98
Australia 0.00 0.00
Austria 0.32 0.27
Belgium 0.00 0.03
Denmark 0.00 0.00
France 0.04 0.05
Greece 0.10 0.13
Italy 0.06 0.28
Japan 0.00 0.00
Netherlands 0.00 0.01
New Zealand 0.00 -0.04
Norway 0.03 0.09
Portugal 0.00 0.00
Spain 0.00 -0.06
Switzerland 0.11 0.01
UK 0.00 0.00
USA 0.34 0.25