PhD Causal Inference and Machine Learning Published: January 07, 2025450B: Causal Inference (W:2021,2022)TA for Prof Jens HainmuellerVisualising identification strategiesSlidesRandomised ExperimentsSelection on ObservablesSensitivity AnalysisDifference in DifferencesPanel Data and Synthetic ControlInstrumental Variables IInstrumental Variables IIRegression Discontinuity Design450C: Machine Learning (S:2021,2022)TA for Prof Justin GrimmerSlidesMaximum Likelihood BasicsGoodness of Fit, Principal Components AnalysisRegularised RegressionRandom Forests and GAMsText Analysis and LDAHeterogeneous Treatment EffectsMore advanced treatment for a workshopML and Causal Inference under UnconfoundednessMore advanced treatment including material on continuous treatments and panel data
Reading Group Slides Published: January 07, 2025Panel DataDoudchenko and Imbens (2016)arxivImbens, Kallus, Mao (2021)arxiv